Operator Reference

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

HMessage (Class)

HMessage — Represents an instance of a data container to be sent via message queues.


ReadMessage    Read a message from a file.
CreateMessage    Create a new empty message.


ClearMessage    Close a message handle and release all associated resources.
CreateMessage    Create a new empty message.
GetMessageObj    Retrieve an object associated with the key from the message.
GetMessageParam    Query message parameters or information about the message.
GetMessageTuple    Retrieve a tuple associated with the key from the message.
ReadMessage    Read a message from a file.
SetMessageObj    Add a key/object pair to the message.
SetMessageParam    Set message parameter or invoke commands on the message.
SetMessageTuple    Add a key/tuple pair to the message.
WriteMessage    Write a message to a file.

HMessage (Class)


HMessage — Represents an instance of a data container to be sent via message queues.


ReadMessage    Read a message from a file.
CreateMessage    Create a new empty message.


ClearMessage    Close a message handle and release all associated resources.
CreateMessage    Create a new empty message.
GetMessageObj    Retrieve an object associated with the key from the message.
GetMessageParam    Query message parameters or information about the message.
GetMessageTuple    Retrieve a tuple associated with the key from the message.
ReadMessage    Read a message from a file.
SetMessageObj    Add a key/object pair to the message.
SetMessageParam    Set message parameter or invoke commands on the message.
SetMessageTuple    Add a key/tuple pair to the message.
WriteMessage    Write a message to a file.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.