Operator Reference

change_domainchange_domainChangeDomainChangeDomainchange_domain (Operator)

change_domainchange_domainChangeDomainChangeDomainchange_domain — Change definition domain of an image.


change_domain(Image, NewDomain : ImageNew : : )

Herror change_domain(const Hobject Image, const Hobject NewDomain, Hobject* ImageNew)

Herror T_change_domain(const Hobject Image, const Hobject NewDomain, Hobject* ImageNew)

void ChangeDomain(const HObject& Image, const HObject& NewDomain, HObject* ImageNew)

HImage HImage::ChangeDomain(const HRegion& NewDomain) const

static void HOperatorSet.ChangeDomain(HObject image, HObject newDomain, out HObject imageNew)

HImage HImage.ChangeDomain(HRegion newDomain)

def change_domain(image: HObject, new_domain: HObject) -> HObject


The operator change_domainchange_domainChangeDomainChangeDomainchange_domain uses the indicated region as the new definition domain. Unlike the operator reduce_domainreduce_domainReduceDomainReduceDomainreduce_domain it does not form the intersection of the previous definition domain, i.e., the size of the matrix is not changed. This implies in particular, that the region must not exceed the image matrix, otherwise using such inconsistent iconic objects during subsequent operations will likely lead to errors or system crashes.


Due to running time the transferred region is not checked for consistency (i.e., whether it fits with the image matrix). Incorrect regions lead to system hang-ups during subsequent operations.

Execution Information

  • Supports objects on compute devices.
  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
  • Automatically parallelized on tuple level.


ImageImageImageimageimage (input_object)  (multichannel-)image(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image.

NewDomainNewDomainNewDomainnewDomainnew_domain (input_object)  region objectHRegionHObjectHObjectHobject

New definition domain.

ImageNewImageNewImageNewimageNewimage_new (output_object)  image(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject * (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Image with new definition domain.

Possible Predecessors




See also

full_domainfull_domainFullDomainFullDomainfull_domain, get_domainget_domainGetDomainGetDomainget_domain, intersectionintersectionIntersectionIntersectionintersection

