Operator Reference

clear_bar_code_modelT_clear_bar_code_modelClearBarCodeModelClearBarCodeModelclear_bar_code_model (Operator)

clear_bar_code_modelT_clear_bar_code_modelClearBarCodeModelClearBarCodeModelclear_bar_code_model — Delete a bar code model and free the allocated memory


clear_bar_code_model( : : BarCodeHandle : )

Herror T_clear_bar_code_model(const Htuple BarCodeHandle)

void ClearBarCodeModel(const HTuple& BarCodeHandle)

static void HBarCode::ClearBarCodeModel(const HBarCodeArray& BarCodeHandle)

void HBarCode::ClearBarCodeModel() const

static void HOperatorSet.ClearBarCodeModel(HTuple barCodeHandle)

static void HBarCode.ClearBarCodeModel(HBarCode[] barCodeHandle)

void HBarCode.ClearBarCodeModel()

def clear_bar_code_model(bar_code_handle: MaybeSequence[HHandle]) -> None


The operator clear_bar_code_modelclear_bar_code_modelClearBarCodeModelClearBarCodeModelclear_bar_code_model deletes a bar code model that was created by create_bar_code_modelcreate_bar_code_modelCreateBarCodeModelCreateBarCodeModelcreate_bar_code_model. All memory used by the model is freed. The handle of the model is passed in BarCodeHandleBarCodeHandleBarCodeHandlebarCodeHandlebar_code_handle, which is invalid after the operator call.

Execution Information

  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
  • Processed without parallelization.

This operator modifies the state of the following input parameter:

During execution of this operator, access to the value of this parameter must be synchronized if it is used across multiple threads.


BarCodeHandleBarCodeHandleBarCodeHandlebarCodeHandlebar_code_handle (input_control, state is modified)  barcode(-array) HBarCode, HTupleMaybeSequence[HHandle]HTupleHtuple (handle) (IntPtr) (HHandle) (handle)

Handle of the bar code model.


The operator clear_bar_code_modelclear_bar_code_modelClearBarCodeModelClearBarCodeModelclear_bar_code_model returns the value 2 ( H_MSG_TRUE) if a valid handle was passed and the referred bar code model can be freed correctly. Otherwise, an exception will be raised.

See also



Bar Code