Operator Reference

clear_dl_modelT_clear_dl_modelClearDlModelClearDlModelclear_dl_model (Operator)

clear_dl_modelT_clear_dl_modelClearDlModelClearDlModelclear_dl_model — Clear a deep learning model.


clear_dl_model( : : DLModelHandle : )

Herror T_clear_dl_model(const Htuple DLModelHandle)

void ClearDlModel(const HTuple& DLModelHandle)

static void HDlModel::ClearDlModel(const HDlModelArray& DLModelHandle)

void HDlModel::ClearDlModel() const

static void HOperatorSet.ClearDlModel(HTuple DLModelHandle)

static void HDlModel.ClearDlModel(HDlModel[] DLModelHandle)

void HDlModel.ClearDlModel()

def clear_dl_model(dlmodel_handle: MaybeSequence[HHandle]) -> None


clear_dl_modelclear_dl_modelClearDlModelClearDlModelclear_dl_model clears the handle of the deep learning model given by DLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandledlmodel_handle and frees all memory required for the model. After calling clear_dl_modelclear_dl_modelClearDlModelClearDlModelclear_dl_model, the model can no longer be used and the handle DLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandledlmodel_handle becomes invalid.

For further explanations to deep learning models in HALCON, see the chapter Deep Learning / Model.

Execution Information

  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: local (may only be called from the same thread in which the window, model, or tool instance was created).
  • Processed without parallelization.

This operator modifies the state of the following input parameter:

During execution of this operator, access to the value of this parameter must be synchronized if it is used across multiple threads.


DLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandledlmodel_handle (input_control, state is modified)  dl_model(-array) HDlModel, HTupleMaybeSequence[HHandle]HTupleHtuple (handle) (IntPtr) (HHandle) (handle)

Handle of the deep learning model.


If the parameters are valid, the operator clear_dl_modelclear_dl_modelClearDlModelClearDlModelclear_dl_model returns the value 2 ( H_MSG_TRUE) . If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

read_dl_modelread_dl_modelReadDlModelReadDlModelread_dl_model, apply_dl_modelapply_dl_modelApplyDlModelApplyDlModelapply_dl_model, train_dl_model_batchtrain_dl_model_batchTrainDlModelBatchTrainDlModelBatchtrain_dl_model_batch, train_dl_model_anomaly_datasettrain_dl_model_anomaly_datasetTrainDlModelAnomalyDatasetTrainDlModelAnomalyDatasettrain_dl_model_anomaly_dataset


Foundation. This operator uses dynamic licensing (see the 'Installation Guide'). Which of the following modules is required depends on the specific usage of the operator:
3D Metrology, OCR/OCV, Matching, Deep Learning Enhanced, Deep Learning Professional