Operator Reference

decompose3decompose3Decompose3Decompose3decompose3 (Operator)

decompose3decompose3Decompose3Decompose3decompose3 — Convert a three-channel image into three images.


decompose3(MultiChannelImage : Image1, Image2, Image3 : : )

Herror decompose3(const Hobject MultiChannelImage, Hobject* Image1, Hobject* Image2, Hobject* Image3)

Herror T_decompose3(const Hobject MultiChannelImage, Hobject* Image1, Hobject* Image2, Hobject* Image3)

void Decompose3(const HObject& MultiChannelImage, HObject* Image1, HObject* Image2, HObject* Image3)

HImage HImage::Decompose3(HImage* Image2, HImage* Image3) const

static void HOperatorSet.Decompose3(HObject multiChannelImage, out HObject image1, out HObject image2, out HObject image3)

HImage HImage.Decompose3(out HImage image2, out HImage image3)

def decompose3(multi_channel_image: HObject) -> Tuple[HObject, HObject, HObject]


The operator decompose3decompose3Decompose3Decompose3decompose3 converts a 3-channel image into three one-channel images with the same definition domain. No new storage is allocated for the output images. Instead, the created images contain references to the existing input image channels.

Execution Information

  • Supports objects on compute devices.
  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
  • Automatically parallelized on tuple level.


MultiChannelImageMultiChannelImageMultiChannelImagemultiChannelImagemulti_channel_image (input_object)  multichannel-image(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Multi-channel image.

Image1Image1Image1image1image_1 (output_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject * (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Output image 1.

Image2Image2Image2image2image_2 (output_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject * (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Output image 2.

Image3Image3Image3image3image_3 (output_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject * (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Output image 3.

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors



access_channelaccess_channelAccessChannelAccessChannelaccess_channel, image_to_channelsimage_to_channelsImageToChannelsImageToChannelsimage_to_channels

See also


