Operator Reference

elliptic_axis_grayelliptic_axis_grayEllipticAxisGrayEllipticAxisGrayelliptic_axis_gray (Operator)

elliptic_axis_grayelliptic_axis_grayEllipticAxisGrayEllipticAxisGrayelliptic_axis_gray — Compute the orientation and major axes of a region in a gray value image.


elliptic_axis_gray(Regions, Image : : : Ra, Rb, Phi)

Herror elliptic_axis_gray(const Hobject Regions, const Hobject Image, double* Ra, double* Rb, double* Phi)

Herror T_elliptic_axis_gray(const Hobject Regions, const Hobject Image, Htuple* Ra, Htuple* Rb, Htuple* Phi)

void EllipticAxisGray(const HObject& Regions, const HObject& Image, HTuple* Ra, HTuple* Rb, HTuple* Phi)

HTuple HImage::EllipticAxisGray(const HRegion& Regions, HTuple* Rb, HTuple* Phi) const

double HImage::EllipticAxisGray(const HRegion& Regions, double* Rb, double* Phi) const

HTuple HRegion::EllipticAxisGray(const HImage& Image, HTuple* Rb, HTuple* Phi) const

double HRegion::EllipticAxisGray(const HImage& Image, double* Rb, double* Phi) const

static void HOperatorSet.EllipticAxisGray(HObject regions, HObject image, out HTuple ra, out HTuple rb, out HTuple phi)

HTuple HImage.EllipticAxisGray(HRegion regions, out HTuple rb, out HTuple phi)

double HImage.EllipticAxisGray(HRegion regions, out double rb, out double phi)

HTuple HRegion.EllipticAxisGray(HImage image, out HTuple rb, out HTuple phi)

double HRegion.EllipticAxisGray(HImage image, out double rb, out double phi)

def elliptic_axis_gray(regions: HObject, image: HObject) -> Tuple[Sequence[float], Sequence[float], Sequence[float]]

def elliptic_axis_gray_s(regions: HObject, image: HObject) -> Tuple[float, float, float]


The operator elliptic_axis_grayelliptic_axis_grayEllipticAxisGrayEllipticAxisGrayelliptic_axis_gray calculates the length of the axes RaRaRarara and RbRbRbrbrb and the orientation PhiPhiPhiphiphi of the ellipse having the “same orientation” and the “aspect ratio” as the input region in RegionsRegionsRegionsregionsregions. Therefore, gray value moments which are derived from the ImageImageImageimageimage are used. Several input regions can be passed in RegionsRegionsRegionsregionsregions as tuples. The length of the major axis RaRaRarara and the minor axis RbRbRbrbrb as well as the orientation of the major axis with regard to the x-axis (PhiPhiPhiphiphi) are determined. The angle is returned in radians. The calculation is done analogously to elliptic_axiselliptic_axisEllipticAxisEllipticAxiselliptic_axis. The only difference is that in elliptic_axis_grayelliptic_axis_grayEllipticAxisGrayEllipticAxisGrayelliptic_axis_gray the gray value moments are used instead of the region moments. For the definition of the gray value moments, see area_center_grayarea_center_grayAreaCenterGrayAreaCenterGrayarea_center_gray.

Note, that in the case where the gray value area is zero the length of the axes RaRaRarara and RbRbRbrbrb as well as the orientation PhiPhiPhiphiphi are also set to zero.


Note that the operator elliptic_axis_grayelliptic_axis_grayEllipticAxisGrayEllipticAxisGrayelliptic_axis_gray only considers the given RegionsRegionsRegionsregionsregions and ignores any previously set domain of the input image ImageImageImageimageimage.

Execution Information

  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
  • Automatically parallelized on tuple level.


RegionsRegionsRegionsregionsregions (input_object)  region(-array) objectHRegionHObjectHObjectHobject

Region(s) to be examined.

ImageImageImageimageimage (input_object)  singlechannelimage objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / real)

Gray value image.

RaRaRarara (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleSequence[float]HTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Major axis of the region.

RbRbRbrbrb (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleSequence[float]HTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Minor axis of the region.

PhiPhiPhiphiphi (output_control)  angle.rad(-array) HTupleSequence[float]HTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Angle enclosed by the major axis and the x-axis.


elliptic_axis_grayelliptic_axis_grayEllipticAxisGrayEllipticAxisGrayelliptic_axis_gray returns 2 ( H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameters are correct and no error occurs during execution. If the input is empty the behavior can be set via set_system(::'no_object_result',<Result>:)set_system("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)set_system("no_object_result",<Result>). If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

thresholdthresholdThresholdThresholdthreshold, regiongrowingregiongrowingRegiongrowingRegiongrowingregiongrowing, connectionconnectionConnectionConnectionconnection

Possible Successors




See also


