Operator Reference

gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldT_gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldGenContourPolygonRoundedXldGenContourPolygonRoundedXldgen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld (Operator)

gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldT_gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldGenContourPolygonRoundedXldGenContourPolygonRoundedXldgen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld — Generate an XLD contour with rounded corners from a polygon (given as tuples).


gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld( : Contour : Row, Col, Radius, SamplingInterval : )

Herror T_gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld(Hobject* Contour, const Htuple Row, const Htuple Col, const Htuple Radius, const Htuple SamplingInterval)

void GenContourPolygonRoundedXld(HObject* Contour, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Col, const HTuple& Radius, const HTuple& SamplingInterval)

void HXLDCont::GenContourPolygonRoundedXld(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Col, const HTuple& Radius, const HTuple& SamplingInterval)

void HXLDCont::GenContourPolygonRoundedXld(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Col, const HTuple& Radius, double SamplingInterval)

static void HOperatorSet.GenContourPolygonRoundedXld(out HObject contour, HTuple row, HTuple col, HTuple radius, HTuple samplingInterval)

void HXLDCont.GenContourPolygonRoundedXld(HTuple row, HTuple col, HTuple radius, HTuple samplingInterval)

void HXLDCont.GenContourPolygonRoundedXld(HTuple row, HTuple col, HTuple radius, double samplingInterval)

def gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld(row: Sequence[Union[float, int]], col: Sequence[Union[float, int]], radius: Sequence[Union[float, int]], sampling_interval: Union[float, int]) -> HObject


gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldgen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldGenContourPolygonRoundedXldGenContourPolygonRoundedXldgen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld generates an XLD contour ContourContourContourcontourcontour with rounded corners from a polygon given in the tuples RowRowRowrowrow and ColColColcolcol. The rounded corners are created in form of arcs defined by RadiusRadiusRadiusradiusradius. For every specified point of the polygon there must be a corresponding rounding radius defined. In case of a closed polygon the first and the last point have to be defined identical with the radii of these points being equal. In contrast, the radii of the first and last point of open polygons are ignored. Finally, the SamplingIntervalSamplingIntervalSamplingIntervalsamplingIntervalsampling_interval parameter defines the distance of the control points of the formed contour ContourContourContourcontourcontour.

Execution Information

  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
  • Processed without parallelization.


ContourContourContourcontourcontour (output_object)  xld_cont objectHXLDContHObjectHObjectHobject *

Resulting contour.

RowRowRowrowrow (input_control)  coordinates.y-array HTupleSequence[Union[float, int]]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Row coordinates of the polygon.

Default: [20,80,80,20,20]

Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500

ColColColcolcol (input_control)  coordinates.x-array HTupleSequence[Union[float, int]]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Column coordinates of the polygon.

Default: [20,20,80,80,20]

Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500

RadiusRadiusRadiusradiusradius (input_control)  number-array HTupleSequence[Union[float, int]]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Radii of the rounded corners.

Default: [20,20,20,20,20]

Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50

SamplingIntervalSamplingIntervalSamplingIntervalsamplingIntervalsampling_interval (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[float, int]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Distance of the samples.

Default: 1.0

Suggested values: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors

smooth_contours_xldsmooth_contours_xldSmoothContoursXldSmoothContoursXldsmooth_contours_xld, gen_polygons_xldgen_polygons_xldGenPolygonsXldGenPolygonsXldgen_polygons_xld

See also

gen_contour_polygon_xldgen_contour_polygon_xldGenContourPolygonXldGenContourPolygonXldgen_contour_polygon_xld, gen_contours_skeleton_xldgen_contours_skeleton_xldGenContoursSkeletonXldGenContoursSkeletonXldgen_contours_skeleton_xld

