Operator Reference

open_textwindowT_open_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindow (Operator)

open_textwindowT_open_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindow — Open a textual window.


open_textwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindow is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the operator open_windowopen_windowOpenWindowOpenWindowopen_window instead.


Herror T_open_textwindow(const Htuple Row, const Htuple Column, const Htuple Width, const Htuple Height, const Htuple BorderWidth, const Htuple BorderColor, const Htuple BackgroundColor, const Htuple FatherWindow, const Htuple Mode, const Htuple Machine, Htuple* WindowHandle)

void OpenTextwindow(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height, const HTuple& BorderWidth, const HTuple& BorderColor, const HTuple& BackgroundColor, const HTuple& FatherWindow, const HTuple& Mode, const HTuple& Machine, HTuple* WindowHandle)

void HWindow::OpenTextwindow(Hlong Row, Hlong Column, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, Hlong BorderWidth, const HString& BorderColor, const HString& BackgroundColor, const HTuple& FatherWindow, const HString& Mode, const HString& Machine)

void HWindow::OpenTextwindow(Hlong Row, Hlong Column, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, Hlong BorderWidth, const HString& BorderColor, const HString& BackgroundColor, void* FatherWindow, const HString& Mode, const HString& Machine)

void HWindow::OpenTextwindow(Hlong Row, Hlong Column, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, Hlong BorderWidth, const char* BorderColor, const char* BackgroundColor, void* FatherWindow, const char* Mode, const char* Machine)

void HWindow::OpenTextwindow(Hlong Row, Hlong Column, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, Hlong BorderWidth, const wchar_t* BorderColor, const wchar_t* BackgroundColor, void* FatherWindow, const wchar_t* Mode, const wchar_t* Machine)   ( Windows only)

static void HOperatorSet.OpenTextwindow(HTuple row, HTuple column, HTuple width, HTuple height, HTuple borderWidth, HTuple borderColor, HTuple backgroundColor, HTuple fatherWindow, HTuple mode, HTuple machine, out HTuple windowHandle)

void HWindow.OpenTextwindow(int row, int column, int width, int height, int borderWidth, string borderColor, string backgroundColor, HTuple fatherWindow, string mode, string machine)

void HWindow.OpenTextwindow(int row, int column, int width, int height, int borderWidth, string borderColor, string backgroundColor, IntPtr fatherWindow, string mode, string machine)

def open_textwindow(row: int, column: int, width: int, height: int, border_width: int, border_color: str, background_color: str, father_window: Union[int, str], mode: str, machine: str) -> HHandle


open_textwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindow opens a new textual window, which can be used to perform textual input and output, as well as to perform output of images. All output (write_stringwrite_stringWriteStringWriteStringwrite_string, read_stringread_stringReadStringReadStringread_string, disp_regiondisp_regionDispRegionDispRegiondisp_region, etc.) is redirected to this window, if the same logical window number WindowHandleWindowHandleWindowHandlewindowHandlewindow_handle is used.

Besides the mouse cursor textual windows possess also a textual cursor which indicates the current writing position (more exactly: the lower left corner of the output string without consideration of descenders). Its position is indicated through an underscore or another type (the indication of this position may also be disabled (= default setting); cf. set_tshapeset_tshapeSetTshapeSetTshapeset_tshape). You may set or query the position by calling the operators set_tpositionset_tpositionSetTpositionSetTpositionset_tposition or get_tpositionget_tpositionGetTpositionGetTpositionget_tposition.

After you opened a textual window the position of the cursor is set to (H,0). Whereby H signifies the height of the default font less the descenders. But the cursor is not shown. Hence the output starts for writing in the upper left corner of the window.

You may query the colors of the background and the image edges by calling query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color. In the same way you may use query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color in a window of type 'invisible'. During output (write_stringwrite_stringWriteStringWriteStringwrite_string) you may set the clipping of text out of the window edges by calling set_check(::'~text':)set_check("~text")SetCheck("~text")SetCheck("~text")set_check("~text"). This disables the creation of error messages, if text passes over the edge of the window.

The origin of the coordinate system of the window resides in the upper left corner (coordinates: (0,0)). The row index grows downward (maximal: HeightHeightHeightheightheight-1), the column index grows to the right (maximal: WidthWidthWidthwidthwidth-1).

The parameter MachineMachineMachinemachinemachine indicates the name of the computer, which has to open the window. In case of a X-window, TCP-IP only sets the name, DEC-Net sets in addition a colon behind the name. The “server” or the “screen”, respectively, are not specified. If the empty string is passed the environment variable DISPLAY is used. It indicates the target computer. At this the name is indicated in common syntax <Host>:0.0.

For windows of type 'WIN32-Window'"WIN32-Window""WIN32-Window""WIN32-Window""WIN32-Window" and 'X-Window'"X-Window""X-Window""X-Window""X-Window" the parameter FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window can be used to determine the father window for the window to be opened. In case the control 'father' is set via set_checkset_checkSetCheckSetCheckset_check, FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window must be the ID of a HALCON window, otherwise (set_check(::'~father':)set_check("~father")SetCheck("~father")SetCheck("~father")set_check("~father") ) it can also be the ID of an operating system window. If FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window is passed the value 0 or 'root', then under Windows and Unix-like systems the desktop and the root window become the father window, respectively. In this case, the value of the control 'father' (set via set_checkset_checkSetCheckSetCheckset_check) is irrelevant. The caller must ensure that FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window is a valid handle and not destroyed as long as the embedded HALCON window is used.

Position and size of a window may change during runtime of a program. This may be achieved by calling set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extents, but also through external interferences (window manager). In the latter case the operator set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extents is provided.

Opening a window causes the assignment of a called default font. It is used in connection with operators like write_stringwrite_stringWriteStringWriteStringwrite_string and you may overwrite it by performing set_fontset_fontSetFontSetFontset_font after calling open_textwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindow. On the other hand you have the possibility to specify a default font by calling set_system(::'default_font',<Fontname>:)set_system("default_font",<Fontname>)SetSystem("default_font",<Fontname>)SetSystem("default_font",<Fontname>)set_system("default_font",<Fontname>) before opening a window (and all following windows; see also query_fontquery_fontQueryFontQueryFontquery_font).

You may set the color of the font (write_stringwrite_stringWriteStringWriteStringwrite_string, read_stringread_stringReadStringReadStringread_string) by calling set_colorset_colorSetColorSetColorset_color, set_rgbset_rgbSetRgbSetRgbset_rgb, set_hsiset_hsiSetHsiSetHsiset_hsi or set_grayset_graySetGraySetGrayset_gray. Calling set_insertset_insertSetInsertSetInsertset_insert specifies how the text or the graphics, respectively, is combined with the content of the image repeat memory. So you may achieve by calling, e.g., set_insertset_insertSetInsertSetInsertset_insert(::'not':) to eliminate the font after writing text twice at the same position.

Normally every output (e.g., write_stringwrite_stringWriteStringWriteStringwrite_string, disp_regiondisp_regionDispRegionDispRegiondisp_region, disp_circledisp_circleDispCircleDispCircledisp_circle, etc.) in a window is terminated by a “flush”. This causes the data to be fully visible on the display after termination of the output operator. But this is not necessary in all cases, in particular if there are permanently output tasks or there is a mouse procedure active. Therefore it is more favorable (i.e., more rapid) to store the data until sufficient data is available. You may stop this behavior by calling set_system(::'flush_graphic','false':)set_system("flush_graphic","false")SetSystem("flush_graphic","false")SetSystem("flush_graphic","false")set_system("flush_graphic","false").

The content of windows is saved (in case it is supported by special driver software); i.e., it is preserved, also if the window is hidden by other windows. But this is not necessary in all cases: If you use a textual window, e.g., as a parent window for other windows, you may suppress the security mechanism for it and save the necessary memory at the same moment. You achieve this before opening the window by calling set_system(::'backing_store','false':)set_system("backing_store","false")SetSystem("backing_store","false")SetSystem("backing_store","false")set_system("backing_store","false").

Difference: graphical window - textual window

The parameter ModeModeModemodemode specifies the mode of the window. It can have following values:


Normal mode for textual windows: The window is created according to the parameters and all inputs and outputs are possible.


Invisible windows are not displayed in the display. Parameters like RowRowRowrowrow, ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn, BorderWidthBorderWidthBorderWidthborderWidthborder_width, BorderColorBorderColorBorderColorborderColorborder_color, BackgroundColorBackgroundColorBackgroundColorbackgroundColorbackground_color and FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window do not have any meaning. Output to these windows has no effect. Input (read_stringread_stringReadStringReadStringread_string, mouse, etc.) is not possible. You may use these windows to query representation parameter for an output device without opening a (visible) window. General queries are, e.g., query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color and get_string_extentsget_string_extentsGetStringExtentsGetStringExtentsget_string_extents.


These windows are transparent: the window itself is not visible (edge and background), but all the other operations are possible and all output is displayed. Parameters like BorderColorBorderColorBorderColorborderColorborder_color and BackgroundColorBackgroundColorBackgroundColorbackgroundColorbackground_color do not have any meaning. A common use for this mode is the creation of mouse sensitive regions.


These are also not visible windows. The output of images, regions and graphics is not visible on the display, but is stored in memory. Parameters like RowRowRowrowrow, ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn, BorderWidthBorderWidthBorderWidthborderWidthborder_width, BorderColorBorderColorBorderColorborderColorborder_color, BackgroundColorBackgroundColorBackgroundColorbackgroundColorbackground_color and FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window do not have any meaning. You may use buffer windows, if you prepare output (in the background) and copy it finally with copy_rectanglecopy_rectangleCopyRectangleCopyRectanglecopy_rectangle in a visible window. Another usage might be the rapid processing of image regions during interactive manipulations. Textual input and mouse interaction are not possible in this mode.


You have to keep in mind that parameters like RowRowRowrowrow, ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn, WidthWidthWidthwidthwidth and HeightHeightHeightheightheight are restricted by the output device. Is a father window (FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window <> 'root') specified, then the coordinates are relative to this window.

Execution Information

  • Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
  • Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
  • Processed without parallelization.

This operator returns a handle. Note that the state of an instance of this handle type may be changed by specific operators even though the handle is used as an input parameter by those operators.


RowRowRowrowrow (input_control)  rectangle.origin.y HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Row index of upper left corner.

Default: 0

Value range: Row Row Row row row (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn (input_control)  rectangle.origin.x HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Column index of upper left corner.

Default: 0

Value range: Column Column Column column column (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

WidthWidthWidthwidthwidth (input_control)  rectangle.extent.x HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Window's width.

Default: 256

Value range: 0 ≤ Width Width Width width width (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

HeightHeightHeightheightheight (input_control)  rectangle.extent.y HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Window's height.

Default: 256

Value range: 0 ≤ Height Height Height height height (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

BorderWidthBorderWidthBorderWidthborderWidthborder_width (input_control)  integer HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Window border's width.

Default: 2

Value range: 0 ≤ BorderWidth BorderWidth BorderWidth borderWidth border_width (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

BorderColorBorderColorBorderColorborderColorborder_color (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Window border's color.

Default: 'white' "white" "white" "white" "white"

BackgroundColorBackgroundColorBackgroundColorbackgroundColorbackground_color (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Background color.

Default: 'black' "black" "black" "black" "black"

FatherWindowFatherWindowFatherWindowfatherWindowfather_window (input_control)  pointer HTupleUnion[int, str]HTupleHtuple (integer / string) (IntPtr / IntPtr) (Hlong / HString) (Hlong / char*)

Logical number of the father window. For the display as father you may specify 'root' or 0.

Default: 0

Restriction: FatherWindow >= 0

ModeModeModemodemode (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Window mode.

Default: 'visible' "visible" "visible" "visible" "visible"

List of values: 'buffer'"buffer""buffer""buffer""buffer", 'invisible'"invisible""invisible""invisible""invisible", 'transparent'"transparent""transparent""transparent""transparent", 'visible'"visible""visible""visible""visible"

MachineMachineMachinemachinemachine (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Computer name, where the window has to be opened or empty string.

Default: '' "" "" "" ""

WindowHandleWindowHandleWindowHandlewindowHandlewindow_handle (output_control)  window HWindow, HTupleHHandleHTupleHtuple (handle) (IntPtr) (HHandle) (handle)

Window handle.

Example (HDevelop)

open_textwindow(0,0,900,600,1,'black','slate blue','root','visible', \
open_textwindow(10,10,300,580,3,'red','blue',WindowHandle1,'visible', \
Button := 0
      write_string(WindowHandle2,['  Position (',Row,',',Column,')  '])
      write_string(WindowHandle2,['Gray value (',Gray,')  '])
  catch (Exception)
until(Button == 4)

Example (C)

open_textwindow(0,0,900,600,1,"black","slate blue","root","visible",
do {
  sprintf(buf,"Position( %d,%d ) ",Row,Column);
while(Button < 4);

Example (HDevelop)

open_textwindow(0,0,900,600,1,'black','slate blue','root','visible', \
open_textwindow(10,10,300,580,3,'red','blue',WindowHandle1,'visible', \
Button := 0
      write_string(WindowHandle2,['  Position (',Row,',',Column,')  '])
      write_string(WindowHandle2,['Gray value (',Gray,')  '])
  catch (Exception)
until(Button == 4)

Example (HDevelop)

open_textwindow(0,0,900,600,1,'black','slate blue','root','visible', \
open_textwindow(10,10,300,580,3,'red','blue',WindowHandle1,'visible', \
Button := 0
      write_string(WindowHandle2,['  Position (',Row,',',Column,')  '])
      write_string(WindowHandle2,['Gray value (',Gray,')  '])
  catch (Exception)
until(Button == 4)


If the values of the specified parameters are correct open_textwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindow returns 2 ( H_MSG_TRUE) . If necessary an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors

set_colorset_colorSetColorSetColorset_color, query_window_typequery_window_typeQueryWindowTypeQueryWindowTypequery_window_type, get_window_typeget_window_typeGetWindowTypeGetWindowTypeget_window_type, set_window_typeset_window_typeSetWindowTypeSetWindowTypeset_window_type, get_mpositionget_mpositionGetMpositionGetMpositionget_mposition, set_tpositionset_tpositionSetTpositionSetTpositionset_tposition, set_tshapeset_tshapeSetTshapeSetTshapeset_tshape, set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extents, get_window_extentsget_window_extentsGetWindowExtentsGetWindowExtentsget_window_extents, query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color, set_checkset_checkSetCheckSetCheckset_check, set_systemset_systemSetSystemSetSystemset_system



See also

write_stringwrite_stringWriteStringWriteStringwrite_string, read_stringread_stringReadStringReadStringread_string, new_linenew_lineNewLineNewLinenew_line, get_string_extentsget_string_extentsGetStringExtentsGetStringExtentsget_string_extents, get_tpositionget_tpositionGetTpositionGetTpositionget_tposition, set_colorset_colorSetColorSetColorset_color, query_window_typequery_window_typeQueryWindowTypeQueryWindowTypequery_window_type, get_window_typeget_window_typeGetWindowTypeGetWindowTypeget_window_type, set_window_typeset_window_typeSetWindowTypeSetWindowTypeset_window_type, get_mpositionget_mpositionGetMpositionGetMpositionget_mposition, set_tpositionset_tpositionSetTpositionSetTpositionset_tposition, set_tshapeset_tshapeSetTshapeSetTshapeset_tshape, set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extents, get_window_extentsget_window_extentsGetWindowExtentsGetWindowExtentsget_window_extents, query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color, set_checkset_checkSetCheckSetCheckset_check, set_systemset_systemSetSystemSetSystemset_system

