Operator Reference

Multi-Label Classification

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This chapter explains how to use multi-label classification based on deep learning, both for the training and inference phases.

Multi-label classification based on deep learning is a method, in which an image gets assigned multiple confidence values. These confidence values indicate how likely the image belongs to each of the different classes. Thus, multi-label classification means to assign multiple specific classes to an image. This is illustrated with the following schema.

image/svg+xml orange: 0.03 apple: 0.65 lemon: 0.82
A possible multi-label classification example, in which the network has three classes. The input image gets confidence values assigned for each of the three classes: 'apple' 0.65, 'lemon' 0.82, and 'orange' 0.03. The top predictions tell us, the image has the classes 'apple' and 'lemon'.

In order to do your specific task, thus to classify your data into the different classes, the classifier has to be trained accordingly. In HALCON, we use a technique called transfer learning (see also the chapter Deep Learning). Hence, we provide pretrained networks, representing classifiers which have been trained on huge amounts of labeled image data. These classifiers have been trained and tested to perform well on industrial image classification tasks. One of these classifiers, already trained for general multi-label classifications, is now retrained for your specific task. To do this, the classifier must know, which classes have to be distinguished and what examples of these classes look like. This is represented by your dataset, i.e., your images with the corresponding ground truth labels. More information on the data requirements can be found in the section “Data”.

In HALCON, multi-label classification with deep learning is implemented within the more general deep learning model. For more information to the latter one, see the chapter Deep Learning / Model. For the specific system requirements in order to apply deep learning, please refer to the HALCON “Installation Guide”.

The following sections are introductions to the general workflow needed for multi-label classification, information related to the involved data and parameters, and explanations to the evaluation measures.

General Workflow

In this paragraph, we describe the general workflow for a multi-label classification task based on deep learning. It is subdivided into the five parts creation of the model, preprocessing of the data, training of the model, evaluation of the trained model, and inference on new images. Thereby we assume, your dataset is already labeled, see also the section “Data” below. Have a look at the HDevelop example dl_multi_label_classification_workflow.hdev for an application.

Create a Multi-Label Classification Model

This part is about how to create a multi-label classification model. The model is created based on a backbone model. The creation can be done with the procedure

  • create_dl_model_multi_label_classification.

Thereby, a model DLModelHandle is created, where the backbone serves as feature extractor, to which the necessary layers for the training are added. Generally it is possible to use any deep learning model as a backbone, but, depending on the complexity, we recommend one of the classification models. For further information about the backbone and which one to use, see the procedure documentation of create_dl_model_multi_label_classification.

create_dl_model_multi_label_classification uses a docking layer, to attach the necessary layers for multi-label classification to the backbone classifier. The pretrained classifiers provided by HALCON have already specified docking layers. But when you use a self-provided classifier as backbone, you have to specify it yourself.

After the model has been created it can be saved using write_dl_modelwrite_dl_modelWriteDlModelWriteDlModelwrite_dl_model and subsequently read using read_dl_modelread_dl_modelReadDlModelReadDlModelread_dl_model.

Preprocess the data

This part is about how to preprocess your data. The single steps are also shown in the HDevelop example dl_multi_label_classification_workflow.hdev.

  1. The information what is to be found on an image of your training dataset needs to be transferred. This is done by the procedure

    • read_dl_dataset_multi_label_classification.

    Thereby a dictionary DLDataset is created, which serves as a database and stores all necessary information about your data. For more information about the data and the way it is transferred, see the section “Data” below and the chapter Deep Learning / Model.

  2. Split the dataset represented by the dictionary DLDataset. This can be done using the procedure

    • split_dl_dataset.

    The resulting split will be saved under the key split in each sample entry of DLDataset.

  3. Now you can preprocess your dataset. For this, you can use the procedure

    • preprocess_dl_dataset.

    In case of custom preprocessing, this procedure offers guidance on the implementation.

    To use this procedure, specify the preprocessing parameters as e.g., the image size. Store all the parameters with their values in a dictionary DLPreprocessParam, wherefore you can use the procedure

    • create_dl_preprocess_param.

    We recommend to save this dictionary DLPreprocessParam in order to have access to the preprocessing parameter values later during the inference phase.

Training of the model

This part is about how to train a multi-label classifier. The single steps are also shown in the HDevelop example dl_multi_label_classification_workflow.hdev.

  1. Set the training parameters and store them in the dictionary TrainParam. These parameters include:

    • the hyperparameters, for an overview see the chapter Deep Learning.

    • parameters for possible data augmentation (optional).

    • parameters for the evaluation during training.

    • parameters for the visualization of training results.

    • parameters for serialization.

    This can be done using the procedure

    • create_dl_train_param.

  2. Train the model. This can be done using the procedure

    • train_dl_model.

    The procedure expects:

    • the model handle DLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandleDLModelHandledlmodel_handle

    • the dictionary with the data information DLDataset

    • the dictionary with the training parameter TrainParam

    • the information, over how many epochs the training shall run.

    In case the procedure train_dl_model is used, the total loss as well as optional evaluation measures are visualized.

Evaluation of the trained model

In this part we evaluate the trained classifier. The single steps are also shown in the HDevelop example dl_multi_label_classification_workflow.hdev.

  1. The evaluation can conveniently be done using the procedure

    • evaluate_dl_model.

  2. The dictionary EvaluationResult holds the asked evaluation measures. You can visualize your evaluation results using the procedure

    • dev_display_multi_label_classification_evaluation.

Inference on new images

This part covers the application of a deep-learning-based multi-label classification model. The single steps are also shown in the HDevelop example dl_multi_label_classification_workflow.hdev.

  1. Set the parameters as e.g., 'batch_size'"batch_size""batch_size""batch_size""batch_size" using the operator

  2. Generate a data dictionary DLSample for each image. This can be done using the procedure

    • gen_dl_samples_from_images.

  3. Preprocess the images as done for the training. We recommend to do this using the procedure

    • preprocess_dl_samples.

    When you saved the dictionary DLPreprocessParam during the preprocessing step, you can directly use it as input to specify all parameter values.

  4. Apply the model using the operator

  5. Retrieve the results from the dictionary 'DLResultBatch'"DLResultBatch""DLResultBatch""DLResultBatch""DLResultBatch".


We distinguish between data used for training and data for inference. Latter one consists of bare images. But for the former one you already know to which classes the images belong and provide this information over the corresponding labels.

As a basic concept, the model handles data over dictionaries, meaning it receives the input data over a dictionary DLSample and returns a dictionary DLResult and DLTrainResult, respectively. More information on the data handling can be found in the chapter Deep Learning / Model.

Data for training and evaluation

The dataset consists of images and corresponding information. They have to be provided in a way the model can process them. Concerning the image requirements, find more information in the section “Images” below.

The training data is used to train and evaluate a network for your specific task. With the aid of this data the network can learn which classes are to be distinguished, how such examples look like, and how to find them. For each image the class of every object in the image is provided as label. There are various ways to store and retrieve this information. How the data has to be formatted in HALCON for a DL model is explained in the chapter Deep Learning / Model. In short, a dictionary DLDataset serves as a database for the information needed by the training and evaluation procedures.

If you have already a labeled multi-label classification dataset, you can use the procedure read_dl_dataset_multi_label_classification. It formats the data and creates a dictionary DLDataset. This procedure can also be used to create a DLDataset for multi-label classification from object detection, segmentation or classification data.

For training a multi-label classifier, we use a technique called transfer learning (see the chapter Deep Learning). For this, you need less resources, but still a suitable set of data. While in general the network should be more reliable when trained on a larger dataset, the amount of data needed for training also depends on the complexity of the task. You also want enough training data to split it into three subsets, used for training, validation, and testing the network. These subsets are preferably independent and identically distributed, see the section “Data” in the chapter Deep Learning.


Regardless of the application, the network poses requirements on the images regarding e.g., the image dimensions. The specific values depend on the backbone-network itself and can be queried with get_dl_model_paramget_dl_model_paramGetDlModelParamGetDlModelParamget_dl_model_param. In order to fulfill these requirements, you may have to preprocess your images. Standard preprocessing is implemented in preprocess_dl_dataset and in preprocess_dl_samples for a single sample, respectively. In case of custom preprocessing these procedures offer guidance on the implementation.

Network output

The network output depends on the task:


As output, the operator train_dl_model_batchtrain_dl_model_batchTrainDlModelBatchTrainDlModelBatchtrain_dl_model_batch will return a dictionary DLTrainResultDLTrainResultDLTrainResultDLTrainResultdltrain_result with the current value of the total loss as well as values for all other losses included in your model.

inference and evaluation

As output, the operator apply_dl_modelapply_dl_modelApplyDlModelApplyDlModelapply_dl_model will return a dictionary DLResultDLResultDLResultDLResultdlresult for every image. For multi-label classification, this dictionary will include a tuple for every image, with the confidence values for every class to be distinguished in descending order and a second tuple with the corresponding class IDs. Further information on the output dictionary can be found in the chapter Deep Learning / Model.

Interpreting the Multi-Label Classification Results

When we classify an image, we obtain a set of confidence values, telling us the affinity of the image to every class. It is also possible to compute the following values.

Precision, Recall, and F-Score

In multi-label classification whole images are classified. To check how well the trained network is performing, precision and recall are computed.

The precision is the proportion of all correct predicted positives to all predicted positives (true and false ones). Thus, it is a measure of how many positive predictions really belong to the selected class.

The recall, also called the "true positive rate", is the proportion of all correct predicted positives to all real positives. Thus, it is a measure of how many samples belonging to the selected class were predicted correctly as positives.

A classifier with high recall but low precision finds most members of positives (thus members of the class), but at the cost of also classifying many negatives as member of the class. A classifier with high precision but low recall is just the opposite, classifying only few samples as positives, but most of these predictions are correct. An ideal classifier with high precision and high recall will classify many samples as positive with a high accuracy.

To represent this with a single number, we compute the F1-score, the harmonic mean of precision and recall. Thus, it is a measure of the classifier's accuracy.

Mean Average Precision

Mean average precision (mAP), and average precision (AP) of a class for a threshold.

The AP value is an average of maximum precision at different recall values. In simple words it tells us, if the classes predicted for the images are generally correct predictions or not. Thereby we pay more attention to the predictions with high confidence values. The higher the value, the better.

You can obtain the specific AP values, the averages over the classes, the averages over the thresholds, and the average over both, the classes and the thresholds. The latter one is the mAP, a measure to tell us how well images are classified.

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