Operator Reference

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HHomMat2D (Class)

HHomMat2D — Represents a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.


HomMat2dIdentity    Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 2D transformation.


AffineTransContourXld    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to XLD contours.
AffineTransImage    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to images.
AffineTransImageSize    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to an image and specify the output image size.
AffineTransPixel    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to pixel coordinates.
AffineTransPoint2d    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to points.
AffineTransPolygonXld    Apply an arbitrary affine transformation to XLD polygons.
AffineTransRegion    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to regions.
BundleAdjustMosaic    Perform a bundle adjustment of an image mosaic.
CamMatToCamPar    Compute the internal camera parameters from a camera matrix.
CamParToCamMat    Compute a camera matrix from internal camera parameters.
DeserializeHomMat2d    Deserialize a serialized homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
EssentialToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix from an essential matrix.
GenBinocularProjRectification    Compute the projective rectification of weakly calibrated binocular stereo images.
HomMat2dCompose    Multiply two homogeneous 2D transformation matrices.
HomMat2dDeterminant    Compute the determinant of a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dIdentity    Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 2D transformation.
HomMat2dInvert    Invert a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dReflect    Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dReflectLocal    Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dRotate    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dRotateLocal    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dScale    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dScaleLocal    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dSlant    Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dSlantLocal    Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dToAffinePar    Compute the affine transformation parameters from a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranslate    Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranslateLocal    Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranspose    Transpose a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomVectorToProjHomMat2d    Compute a homogeneous transformation matrix using given point correspondences.
MatchEssentialMatrixRansac    Compute the essential matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchFundamentalMatrixDistortionRansac    Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchFundamentalMatrixRansac    Compute the fundamental matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
PointLineToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine transformation from point-to-line correspondences.
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansac    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images and the radial distortion coefficient by automatically finding correspondences between points.
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansacGuided    Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient between two images by finding correspondences between points based on known approximations of the projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient.
ProjMatchPointsRansac    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points.
ProjMatchPointsRansacGuided    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points based on a known approximation of the projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransContourXld    Apply a projective transformation to an XLD contour.
ProjectiveTransImage    Apply a projective transformation to an image.
ProjectiveTransImageSize    Apply a projective transformation to an image and specify the output image size.
ProjectiveTransPixel    Project pixel coordinates using a homogeneous projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransPoint2d    Project a homogeneous 2D point using a projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransRegion    Apply a projective transformation to a region.
ReadWorldFile    Read the geo coding from an ARC/INFO world file.
Reconst3dFromFundamentalMatrix    Compute the projective 3d reconstruction of points based on the fundamental matrix.
RelPoseToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix from the relative orientation of two cameras.
SerializeHomMat2d    Serialize a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
StationaryCameraSelfCalibration    Perform a self-calibration of a stationary projective camera.
VectorAngleToRigid    Compute a rigid affine transformation from points and angles.
VectorFieldToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine map from a displacement vector field.
VectorToAniso    Approximate an anisotropic similarity transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToEssentialMatrix    Compute the essential matrix given image point correspondences and known camera matrices and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToFundamentalMatrixDistortion    Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToProjHomMat2d    Compute a projective transformation matrix using given point correspondences.
VectorToProjHomMat2dDistortion    Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient using given image point correspondences.
VectorToRigid    Approximate a rigid affine transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToSimilarity    Approximate an similarity transformation from point correspondences.

HHomMat2D (Class)


HHomMat2D — Represents a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.


HomMat2dIdentity    Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 2D transformation.


AffineTransContourXld    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to XLD contours.
AffineTransImage    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to images.
AffineTransImageSize    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to an image and specify the output image size.
AffineTransPixel    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to pixel coordinates.
AffineTransPoint2d    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to points.
AffineTransPolygonXld    Apply an arbitrary affine transformation to XLD polygons.
AffineTransRegion    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to regions.
BundleAdjustMosaic    Perform a bundle adjustment of an image mosaic.
CamMatToCamPar    Compute the internal camera parameters from a camera matrix.
CamParToCamMat    Compute a camera matrix from internal camera parameters.
DeserializeHomMat2d    Deserialize a serialized homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
EssentialToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix from an essential matrix.
GenBinocularProjRectification    Compute the projective rectification of weakly calibrated binocular stereo images.
HomMat2dCompose    Multiply two homogeneous 2D transformation matrices.
HomMat2dDeterminant    Compute the determinant of a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dIdentity    Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 2D transformation.
HomMat2dInvert    Invert a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dReflect    Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dReflectLocal    Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dRotate    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dRotateLocal    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dScale    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dScaleLocal    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dSlant    Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dSlantLocal    Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dToAffinePar    Compute the affine transformation parameters from a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranslate    Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranslateLocal    Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranspose    Transpose a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomVectorToProjHomMat2d    Compute a homogeneous transformation matrix using given point correspondences.
MatchEssentialMatrixRansac    Compute the essential matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchFundamentalMatrixDistortionRansac    Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchFundamentalMatrixRansac    Compute the fundamental matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
PointLineToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine transformation from point-to-line correspondences.
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansac    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images and the radial distortion coefficient by automatically finding correspondences between points.
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansacGuided    Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient between two images by finding correspondences between points based on known approximations of the projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient.
ProjMatchPointsRansac    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points.
ProjMatchPointsRansacGuided    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points based on a known approximation of the projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransContourXld    Apply a projective transformation to an XLD contour.
ProjectiveTransImage    Apply a projective transformation to an image.
ProjectiveTransImageSize    Apply a projective transformation to an image and specify the output image size.
ProjectiveTransPixel    Project pixel coordinates using a homogeneous projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransPoint2d    Project a homogeneous 2D point using a projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransRegion    Apply a projective transformation to a region.
ReadWorldFile    Read the geo coding from an ARC/INFO world file.
Reconst3dFromFundamentalMatrix    Compute the projective 3d reconstruction of points based on the fundamental matrix.
RelPoseToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix from the relative orientation of two cameras.
SerializeHomMat2d    Serialize a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
StationaryCameraSelfCalibration    Perform a self-calibration of a stationary projective camera.
VectorAngleToRigid    Compute a rigid affine transformation from points and angles.
VectorFieldToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine map from a displacement vector field.
VectorToAniso    Approximate an anisotropic similarity transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToEssentialMatrix    Compute the essential matrix given image point correspondences and known camera matrices and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToFundamentalMatrixDistortion    Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToProjHomMat2d    Compute a projective transformation matrix using given point correspondences.
VectorToProjHomMat2dDistortion    Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient using given image point correspondences.
VectorToRigid    Approximate a rigid affine transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToSimilarity    Approximate an similarity transformation from point correspondences.

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